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Prathyugh N.S. - A Freelance Artist teaching Art for self sustaining whilst pursuing his bigger career goals.

Art.Knowledge Publisher & Editor Arunkanth V, met Prathyugh at the Art Street Event, Race Course, Coimbatore. Prathyugh drew the portrait of Arunkanth & his wife Vaishnavi in 10 Mins. As usual, Art Knowledge immediately wanted his work to be spotlighted on their magazine and portal to support Prathyugh's freelance work of Art. 

Pencil Portrait by Prathyugh N.S.

Here is the full interview with Prathyugh N.S. Freelance Artist.

1 : Who inspired you to start a career in Art ?

I have been practising art since I was a young child, and when my parents realised how much I enjoyed it, they enrolled me in Pancha Chitra, an art school run by artist Parudhi Gnanam. I then carried on refining my abilities in this field.

2 : How many days / Months it took for you to draw a first face ?

Despite spending several hours to complete my first attempt at drawing a face, I was still able to find errors in it. I eventually spent years practicing art before I could complete a portrait in ten to fifteen minutes. I made a goal to draw a portrait every day starting in 2022. 

3 : What other kinds of artwork you do ?

I am proficient in a variety of artistic medium. I includes pencil shading, water colouring, acrylic, oil, and digital painting. I am pleased to say that I am very good at acrylic painting.

4 : What are the basic skills  required for someone to start learning this art ? 

Learning this art requires a great deal of dedication, practice & Passion. As an art teacher, I've seen students who expect to draw flawlessly from the start, but instead of giving up, they must take small steps towards mastery.

5 : Is this career profitable ?

Yes. Once we find our niche in the market. As a final-year B.Arch student, I pay my expenses with the money I make from art. I teach art to self sustain and this make me to be a happy freelancer.

6 : What do you think is your best achievement in this career till date ?

I teach art classes on my own. For the past three years, I have been teaching art classes. I see it as a success. I am able maintain it whilst pursuing my academic goals simultaneously.

7 : Mention some unforgettable moments or people you came across in your career ?

I do on-stage live painting performances. I painted Kamala Haasan’s face appearing on his movie ‘Vikram’. Luckily, I was given an appointment to present him the painting.

8 : What are the challenges you faced in this career ?

As a college student, I must maintain a balance between my architectural career and my artistic passion. There are moments when I find it difficult to fit in my artistic activity. Maintaining balance in my education & art is a challenge.

9 : What are your future goals ?

Building my own successful architectural firm is my ultimate goal whilst pursuing my art simultaneously.

10 : What kind of support you think you need to achieve your goals better and faster ?

I would be very grateful if you could put me in touch with people who need my artistic or architectural services. It could be the greatest support I have ever had.

Contact N.S. Prathyugh at : +91 93845 85735

Art Knowledge wishes N.S. Prathyugh a great success in all his ventures. :)

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